Roof coating offers many benefits such as reduction of heat energy costs and increased UV and waterproofing protection of your roof. Your roof is prone to damages caused by heat and ultraviolet rays, so adding roof coating strengthens your roof and increases its longevity. It also adds to the charm and appearance of your house.
Benefits of Choosing Roof Coatings
With all of the products and services on the market for property owners, designers, and facility managers, is a roof coating a necessity? While a roof will certainly function without a coating, there are so many benefits that in many cases it is worth serious consideration. We’ve put together six benefits to showcase what roof coatings can do for your Denver roof.
Keeps Your Building Cooler
A roof with a white or reflective coating will not absorb the sun’s rays, it will reflect them. The reflective property of the coating keeps the building cooler, which can make a big difference in the temperature within—either keeping your building cooler or reducing the cost to keep it cool. A roof coating can decrease the home’s interior temperature by seven to ten degrees. A good quality roof coating reflects the ultraviolet and infrared sunlight away from your building which results in the natural cooling of the roof and a reduction in the usage of the air conditioners.
Reduces Energy Consumption
Along the same line; there will be much less energy required to power the air conditioning. Not only does this save a business money, which is important, but it can also help a company have a smaller carbon footprint because of less energy
Increases Energy Star Rating
The Energy Star rating of a building is not static. It can change, as the structure changes. Adding a roof coating is one of the simplest ways to make a building more energy efficient and perhaps increase the Energy Star rating. Boosting the rating can be necessary for resale value or for helping it achieve a number required by local
Improves Green Reputation
Depending on your particular company’s goals, being able to show customers, vendors, and associates that you are doing everything possible to make the building “green” can be a very good thing. Green roofing, via a roof coating, relatively speaking, is an affordable and straightforward way to accomplish
Protects Against Roof Leaks
Adding a coating to the roof will give an extra layer to the roof and can protect it from leaks. Not only does the coating add to the roof itself, but it can also help prevent the roof from mold and mildew damage—which can lead to leaks in the roof.
Extends The Life Of Your Roof
Roof coatings can add life to a roof. Extra life may mean that you can wait years longer before replacing the roof and potentially prevent roofing material from winding up in the landfill. A right roof coating protects the roof from sun rays and UV damage because it reflects the heat from the roof’s surface. This gives longevity to your roof and reduces maintenance expenses.
As you can see, there are many benefits to a roof coating, no matter what type you choose. The most important thing is to find the one that works best with your particular roof style and type. If you are ready to consider coating your home’s roof, contact Denver’s roofing experts at Denver Roof Coatings today!